Are you ready? Summer is almost here and we at the Matunuck Preservation Society have been working to finalize the Hale House program series!
Hale House will open, appropriately, on Flag Day, June 14th at 5 pm with a rousing opening celebration of the “Grand Old Flag.” Be among the very first to stand under our folk art treasure of the American flag painted across the entire ceiling of the gray parlor on the first floor of the house. This flag was painted 50 years ago by John Steere, a resident of the house at the time he returned from Vietnam. It has been covered for many years and has been uncovered just in time for this year’s celebration.
The program will include a sing-along led by Kristine Wilbur on her keyboard. She promises that everyone can sing along with her as she will be playing all the old favorites we know so well. Refreshments will be served and all are welcome! The gallery photo show will be a historical photo exhibit celebrating the Stars and Stripes. It’s great!
The program theme this year is Patriotism/Protest. Patriotism starts us off, but our next lecture brings us to protest. Perennial favorite Maury Klein will speak about “Dissent and Loyalty: What the Civil War Teaches us About the Meaning of Patriotism.” The program will be at the Land Trust Barn, 17 Matunuck Beach Road, at 7pm on June 29th.
On July 20th, we present Nancy Hood and Barry Brown in a program of song and story. This program came to our attention earlier this year and it is fantastic. The program is entitled “I’ve Got a Song”, A Living History of the McCarthy Era.” We don’t want to spoil the surprises you will hear, but take if from those who have seen the program: this one shouldn’t be missed. Hint: it is part of the protest theme! We recommend registration before the program. Event will be held at the Land Trust Barn.
In August, The Hilltop Trio, led by Jane Murray, will be back at Hale House with a Night of Classical Patriotic Music. Jane and her fellow musicians are favorites of ours and we look forward to another great concert. There is a $20 charge for this one and reservations are required as our accommodations are limited at the Hale House. The date is August 17th and the time is 7pm.
The docents are preparing for the new season and will hold a prep day soon. If any of you wish to join the docents please be in touch with Jane Baumann at 464-2761 or There are spaces for a couple of additional docents as some of our stalwarts are retiring this year. The commitment is a few days in July and August, on a Friday or Saturday from 1pm to 4pm. You are guaranteed to have fun. Let us know if you want to join the group!
We are always trying to improve your time at the house, and have added new ideas this summer. Please come by and check us out! You will find the house open and waiting for your visit every Friday and Saturday afternoon from 1pm to 4pm June 15th through September 1st.