The Matunuck Preservation Society is pleased to present the first edition of the Hale House newsletter.
Hale House is now closed for the winter. Before we closed up, there was some housekeeping to attend to: the water lines were drained, the furniture covered and the books and other items were stored in their boxes for the long winter. That being completed, we set to work scheduling next summer’s activities.
The construction of our new office, located down the driveway from the House is now complete and the building is both handsome and efficient. It will be home to the Matunuck Preservation Society and an office for those of us working at the Hale House.
This first newsletter is to let you know that we are hard at work thinking about next summer’s schedule. The schedule is not yet finalized, so, in the meantime, we thought you would like to remember the summer of 2016 with a few pictures of our activities.

As we approach the end of 2016, we welcome the longer days of January, and the spring and summer days that follow. And soon we will be back in operations!!
The most important part of any endeavor such as this is the people who make it work! We are sending our thanks to each and every docent, visitor, patron and artist who helped make this past season so successful. It works best when we are all in together and we believe we have a great team in all of you.
Hoping this finds you happy, healthy and thankful. We at MPS wish you and yours a very happy holiday season. See you next year.
Matunuck Preservation Society